A personal log of the Things I've Made
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Engineer, maker, do-er...
I basically just like to make things.
10-10-2021: Replanting the Seedlings - Cayenne Chillies and Strawberries
26-09-2021: Replanting the Seedlings - Birdseye Chillies
12-09-2021: Replanting the Seedlings - Tomatoes
08-09-2021: Planting Tomato, Strawberry and Chilli Seeds
31-08-2021: Jenkins Updates for the Server-App
28-08-2021: Changing the domain and Jenkins reconfiguration
23-08-2021: Server App Updates
17-08-2021: 3D Printed Citadel Paints Holders
03-08-2021: Hot Water Bottle Covers
26-06-2021: Converting the Budget App to use EJS Templates