Other Garden Things
Other stuff I've made for my garden that weren't really on-going projects.

Here are the posts I have made so far about other gardening things:
Replanting the Seedlings - Cayenne Chillies and Strawberries
October 10, 2021
My replanting continues in this post where I finally repot the Cayenne Chillies and the tiny strawberry plants out of the seed trays and into their own pots.
Replanting the Seedlings - Birdseye Chillies
September 26, 2021
Today I’m repotting the Bird’s Eye Chilli seedlings into their own pots and giving everything a good feed.
Replanting the Seedlings - Tomatoes
September 12, 2021
In my last post I planted some seeds and today I’m repotting the tomato seedlings into individual pots.
Building My Shed
November 25, 2017
I needed somewhere to put all my gardening supplies now that the backyard is getting a little more use so I decided to build a shed at the side of the house.
Building the Garden Net and Frame
May 21, 2017
I love growing my own plants but I have a nemesis in the garden that is eating all of my beautiful herbs, so today I built a frame to put a net over all my babies to try and keep the bastard out!